Эти фотографии сделаны замечательным начинающим фотографом Олей. Мы снимали в близлежащем лесу где все в основном спортом занимаются (недавно там сделали новые велодорожки, хочу опробовать) Было прикольно)
These are photos of me made by amazing girl Olya, who is a start-up photographer. We shooted in the near-placed forest where people do sports (lately there were done new bicycle paths, can't wait to ride) and just have a rest. It was funny))

These are photos of me made by amazing girl Olya, who is a start-up photographer. We shooted in the near-placed forest where people do sports (lately there were done new bicycle paths, can't wait to ride) and just have a rest. It was funny))

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